The Julie Day
The Julie Day
Prayer Trip: New Moon in Pisces, Seeing Beyond Appearances.

Prayer Trip: New Moon in Pisces, Seeing Beyond Appearances.

Ya'll, get ready for the TRIP in Prayer Trip!

We welcome the New Moon in Pisces 3/10 at 5:00 am EST at 20 degrees.

In this Prayer Trip, I *thought* it was gonna be all about compassion, all about one-ness consciousness, all about sensitivity to the suffering of our world…. but instead…. the DOLPHINS joined us! As soon as I turned within, they bubbled up all around me, showering me with their ancient, wise codes, inviting us to see beyond appearances.

That blade of grass might be your soul-sister. You winking into the night sky might be the star that a distant being sees winking at him/her/them. The tree in your front yard is loving you more than you know. Your dog, an ACTUAL angel in a fur suit! And that narcissistic father, that asshole ex, might just be your favorite being on the other side, incarnating for the tough but important role for you in this lifetime.

This particularly trippy Prayer Trip is inviting us all to see life through a kaleidoscopic lens, beholding the delightful being just underneath the earthly appearance. And perhaps that’s just the medicine for our challenging moments, to pop us out of suffering and into rightful seeing.

What did you see?

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The Julie Day
The Julie Day
I write and pray to help you love your human (no matter what) and trust the process of Life (no matter what). 💛🙌