What’s this all about?

I write and pray to help you love your human (no matter what) and trust the process of Life (no matter what). 

The Earth ride is like no place else! Duality means love AND hate, grace AND judgment, heaven AND hell (on Earth).  I consider those of us here (YOU) to be like Cosmic Olympic Athletes. We have chosen the 100 mile ultra marathon…. in the desert! (WOW, look at us! 🤩🤩🤩)

I’m here to help remind you what is fundamentally true… that right where you are is exactly where your Higher Self would have you be, learning and growing in perfect order. That you are not alone. That Life is FOR YOU and never against you. Ya know, those things you know deep inside but somehow forget every time you go through a break up, do your taxes, or face another toddler (or inner toddler) meltdown. 

Yet, when you hear these higher TRUTHS, something within sits up, something within tingles and ignites. (That’s your SOUL getting through to your human self!) A light switch turns on and suddenly the burden in front of you seems manageable, perhaps even understandable in your life’s larger picture. 

And when we start to actually LIVE these Truths, the human stuff becomes downright holy, taking us to greater expressions of love (both inner and outer), greater experiences of authenticity.

I write and pray here to help us do just that! 

My writings share my current earth-school curriculums and the insights I’m harvesting from them. 

My prayers help us anchor into Higher Truth. They are affirmative prayers based in New Thought Spirituality.

What’s that?  It’s a non-dogmatic way of being with a Higher Power and Higher Truths. Mother/Father God is my favorite opening line. Sometimes Angels, Fairies, or Atlantis make an appearance. Sometimes the Jesus &/or Mary train comes through. Cursey words happen. Tears. And JOY! But mostly I speak to YOU about what you get to remember about yourself and Life, and mostly it has to do with LOVE. 

I love Astrology. It’s such a great way to affirm that you’re right on time! Every New Moon I do a special New Moon Prayer trip to help you drop SUPER DEEP into the cosmic invitation for the moment. 

I talk a good deal about love & relationships. I’m obsessed with that journey! 

Oh, and if your human wants/needs to know— I live in Greenville, SC with my wizardly partner, Marco, our magical dog Luna, and 3 teenagers who I’m sure will save the world 🥰👏. We love lake-time, traveling adventures, and any kind of taco that is readily available.

I’m a Spiritual Counselor, & Astrologer, and was formally licensed as a Spiritual Practitioner by Agape Spiritual Center in 2010.

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99% of my content is free. Wherever you happen to be financially, I want you to have these prayers and writings! By signing up to be a free subscriber you get immediate notices for all blogs and prayers.

If you are able to, and would like to support my work, you may become a paid subscriber for only $7/month. Your contribution helps me to continue this work, and add more as we go! I deeply appreciate you!

To find out more about me or how to work with me, you can visit my website here: www.thejulieday.com

Subscribe to Practical Mystics

I write and pray to help you love your human (no matter what) and trust the process of Life (no matter what). 💛🙌


I'm a Spiritual Counselor by trade, Beloved to Marco, Bonus-Mom of 3 Teenagers, & steward of a Dog Wizard. I write & pray about finding the Mystical in the mundane. Certified Astro-nerd. Obsessed with the journey of sacred partnership. 💛